Services Provided
The Warren County CSEA can assist in finding where a non-custodial parent is currently residing or working. In order to establish the paternity, establish
a support order, or enforce a child support order, the CSEA must be able to successfully serve the parties on a case with all notices and legal documents.
Every court order requires that parties provide the CSEA with correct address and employment information. Address Change Form & Employment Form. If you have any information regarding a person who refuses to pay their child support please contact our Customer Service representatives at 513-695-1580. Please provide any information that could assist our agency in enforcing the child support order.
Establishing Paternity
Establishing Legal Father/Child Relationship and Duty of Support. Genetic Tests are Recommended to Establish Paternity.
Establishing Child and Medical Support Orders
Upon establishing paternity, or upon the absence of a parent from the home, the Warren County CSEA can assist you in obtaining a support order. The CSEA also establishes and enforces orders for parents to obtain and maintain health insurance coverage for the children.
Enforcement of Support Orders
Upon obtaining a child and medical support order, the Warren County CSEA will enforce the order. Enforcement methods include but are not limited to: contacting the non-custodial parent by mail or phone, obtaining wage or income withholding orders, intercepting bonuses and income tax refunds, seizing bank or brokerage accounts, suspension of driving, recreational or professional licenses, and brining legal action against the non custodial parent.
Interstate Enforcement
Interstate child support cases are governed by the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). Each state has enacted this uniform law. Federal law requires states to work through the necessary steps that lead to enforcement within specific time frames.
Collection of Child Support Payments
The state of Ohio has implemented a centralized collection and disbursement process, Ohio Child Support Payment Central (CSPC). The centralized system was mandated by the federal government under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
Customer Service Call Center
The Warren County CSEA is staffed with Customer Service Representatives who are available to answer questions and address customer concerns Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Modification of Child Support Orders
Your child support order and medical support order may be reviewed every 36 months at the request of either party.
Review and Adjustment Request Form
Other criteria may apply prior to the 36 months, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section titled Modification of Child Support Order for more information.
Order Termination
The CSEA investigates whether there is a reason to change or terminate child support payments. The termination of a support order begins at the request of the custodial parent, non custodial parent, or through CSEA reports.